1979. A formidable hitman, Donald Lavoie works under the orders of Claude Dubois, the boss of the underworld in the southwest of Montreal. The assassin takes under his wing the young recruit Serge Rivard, a fiery little thug who quickly compromises him in a dirty double murder. Thanks to the lawyers paid dearly by the Dubois clan, Donald escapes justice, but it is only a postponement for detective sergeant Roger Burns who seeks to convince Lavoie to become an informer.
To test his killer's devotion, Dubois asks him to eliminate someone close to him. When he disobeys this order, Donald joins forces with other criminals to plan a bank robbery to finance his exile to the South. Hunted by the Dubois clan on one side and by Burns investigators on the other, Donald finds himself caught in a tightening vise.
1979. Donald Lavoie is a fearsome hitman who works under the orders of Claude Dubois, head of the Montreal South-West mob. Donald is tasked to take under his wing new recruit Serge Rivard, a hotheaded small-time crook who soon compromises him in a botched double murder. Donald avoids justice thanks to the Dubois clan's lawyers, but this is only a temporary setback for Detective Sergeant Roger Burns, who wants to convince Lavoie to become an informer. To test his hitman's loyalty, Dubois asks him to eliminate someone close to him. Donald disobeys the order and joins forces with other criminals to finance his exile to South America. Hunted by the Dubois clan on one side and Burns' investigators on the other, Donald finds himself caught in a tightening vise.
To test his killer's devotion, Dubois asks him to eliminate someone close to him. When he disobeys this order, Donald joins forces with other criminals to plan a bank robbery to finance his exile to the South. Hunted by the Dubois clan on one side and by Burns investigators on the other, Donald finds himself caught in a tightening vise.
1979. Donald Lavoie is a fearsome hitman who works under the orders of Claude Dubois, head of the Montreal South-West mob. Donald is tasked to take under his wing new recruit Serge Rivard, a hotheaded small-time crook who soon compromises him in a botched double murder. Donald avoids justice thanks to the Dubois clan's lawyers, but this is only a temporary setback for Detective Sergeant Roger Burns, who wants to convince Lavoie to become an informer. To test his hitman's loyalty, Dubois asks him to eliminate someone close to him. Donald disobeys the order and joins forces with other criminals to finance his exile to South America. Hunted by the Dubois clan on one side and Burns' investigators on the other, Donald finds himself caught in a tightening vise.