- BONUS: a CD of humorous songs
François Léveillée at the top of his art! His show On est ben accommodant , presented 200 times, offers you 90 minutes of monologue inspired by current events. In the background, the Tanguy phenomenon, empty nest syndrome and reasonable accommodations. The comedian gives pride of place to his famous characters: Aimer d'Amour questions the secularization of Quebec society, the school director is concerned about the management of his international school while Bob Cashflow, on the verge of retire, decides to consult to find a life as a couple… intoxicating! Well surrounded by his two musical acolytes, Nicolas Guimont and Alex Blais , François Léveillé once again confirms, through this performance captured at the JA Thompson Hall in Trois-Rivières, his great talent as a storyteller!
Extras: Sarah Toussaint-Léveillé in songs □ Je t’hais (duet with France d’Amour) □ The making-of
Year of production: 2011
Audio: French 2.0 Dolby Stereo
Image format: 1.78:1 / 16:9
Duration: 92 minutes