Irvin Blais presents his eighth career album entitled “ Elle ”. Thirteen new songs with a Gaspé accent, with a little Acadian wink, an album with the sounds of French-speaking country bluegrass. The songs of the prolific singer-songwriter reflect on the highlights of people's lives, whether it is their way of living on a daily basis, of having fun with family, among friends, or of earning a living elsewhere, far away. of his loved ones.
Album tracks:
1. I won't be able to come
2. Just hear your heart
3. Far from us
4. Pap Papy d’amour
5. Our ailments
6. We even talk to each other
7. Yes I love you
8. A mother
9. She
10. Abitibi
11. A good little beat
12. You can leave
13. Bullying