CD Cardboard sleeve
Album tracks :
1. In the land of Bill Wabo / The miser's reel
2. My best friend
3. It’s at the sugar shack / Tour reel
4. It's the widow / Jig of the highways
5. Let go of the twister / Reel de St-Paul
6. New Year's Day / Reel of the Resolution
The album “ Lâche moi l'tordeur ” is a tribute to Oscar Thiffault , a very popular traditional and country music singer from Quebec.
Oscar Thiffault enjoyed great success in 1954 with “ Le Rapide-Blanc” . In the mid-1950s, during his tour in all regions of Quebec, Oscar Thiffault won over a large audience, it was a great success. Moreover, he is the first Quebec artist to sell more than 100,000 albums and more than two million during his career. The song has since become a classic, covered in particular by Aglaé, Colette Renard, Marcel Amont and Beau Dommage. Oscar's repertoire often combines traditional melodies with his humorous texts generally dealing with current affairs subjects, a bit like La Bolduc, of which he is one of the worthy successors. Which does not prevent him from indulging, on occasion, in drinking songs! Oscar Thiffault once again enjoyed enormous success in the second half of the 1970s with “ Y mouillera p'us pantoute” . At the end of the 1970s, La Bottine Souriante recorded Oscar Thiffault's “ La banqueroute ” and “ Je parole à la française ”.
“ Lâche moi l'tordeur ” presents 6 of Oscar's best songs, evoking both contemporary and popular themes. This festive and joyful album is aimed at a wide audience, ideal to accompany family reunions, parties, and the holiday season.
Yves Lambert , an emblematic figure of traditional music in Quebec, left the cult group La Bottine Souriante in January 2003 after 26 years of loyal service, to set off on other adventures. In 2004 he took to the streets with the Bébert Orchestra and from 2009, Yves Lambert (accordion) will perform in a trio format. In the album “ Lâche moi l’tordeur ” Yves Lambert is accompanied by Tommy Gauthier (violin), Olivier Rondeau (guitar). The main property of this album is to make us happy! Good listening.